Walk the talk:
Our social commitment

Today for tomorrow

Commitment and the environment

We actively embrace social engagement. Through sponsorships and various aid programs such as “AddYouCation,” we help disadvantaged children receive an adequate education. Projects like the “Check Up Day” and the awarding of scholarships contribute to medical education.

Check up Day

Denk Pharma is a pioneer of the medical “Check Up Day” in many countries. With this initiative, we support disease prevention and help people lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Strengthening the education of young women


Since 2012, Denk Pharma has been supporting the education of young women at St. Catherine Senior High School for Girls in Agbakope, Ghana, under the patronage of AddYouCation e.V. through sponsorships.

We Plant 1000 Trees

In 2023, we got together for the “We Plant 1000 Trees” initiative in Mongolia, aimed at protecting the environment, enhancing local quality of life, and combating climate change. We successfully planted 1,000 trees by collaborating with local partners to select suitable species and establishing maintenance plans for their growth.


Ein Herz für Kinder

75 years, 75,000 reasons to celebrate and help! At the heart of our 75th anniversary, we are donating € 75,000 to @einherzfuerkinder to support the future of our little ones.
Sharing and gaining knowledge is a significant concern for us. At Denk Pharma, we aim to support our markets not only with products but also with insights into science. To achieve this, we take part of various trainings and conferences.

1. Stand upright with your feet together and breathe out naturally.

2. Find your natural waistline, which is the narrowest area between your ribcage and hips.

3. Measure your waist:

  • If using a tape measure, wrap it around your waist, keeping it level with the floor.
  • If you don’t have a tape measure, use a string, mark where it meets, and measure that length with a ruler.

4. Take the measurement after a normal exhale, without pulling in or pushing out your stomach.

Denk Pharma

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Note on the product portfolio

Please also note that some of the products shown are only available in selected regions. Please enquire about product availability in your region.